The Late Apex PT


    How old are you?

    Do you already wear an activity tracker or smart watch?

    Do you smoke or vape?

    How often do you currently participate in some kind of exercise?

    Does your occupation involve much physical activity (e.g. standing, lifting, walking, etc.)?

    How frequently would you say you suffer from stress?

    How would you describe your style of diet?

    Would you say your current eating habits give you a good overall quality of nutrition?

    Would you say the amount of food you typically eat every day is...

    How would you rate your general day-to-day energy level?

    How would you rate your general day-to-day mood?

    How would you rate your current overall level of fitness?

    How would you rate your current stamina level?

    How would you rate your current strength level?

    How would you rate your current level of flexibility?

    How would you rate your level of knowledge about nutrition in general?

    How would you rate your level of knowledge about plant-based nutrition?

    How would you rate your level of knowledge about veganism?

    Privacy Policy: The information you choose to submit via this form is solely for The Late Apex PT's reference when planning your coaching programme. Your information will be stored securely, kept confidential, and will not be disclosed to any third party.